Open access agreement for authors at eligible German institutions

As of 2019, corresponding authors from German institutions can publish their own primary research and review articles open access under the Wiley DEAL agreement, retaining copyright of their works.

Wiley will not charge fees to authors covered by the agreement. The Publish and Read (PAR) fee for publications in hybrid journals and the APCs for publications in gold OA journals* related to the agreement are paid centrally via DEAL and the participating institutions.

Publishing gold open access:

  • Complies with funder or institution mandates
  • Allows you to retain copyright through a CC-BY license
  • Enables automatic deposit in PMC (when appropriate)

You can be confident that by choosing open access your work has the best chance to be read, cited and shared. Read more about the advantages of publishing open access here.

*Some institutional funding policies may differ for gold and/or hybrid open access APCs. Please check with your library for any exceptions.

To be eligible:

  • You must publish open access in a fully open access journal or a subscription journal that offers open access (hybrid journal). See the full list of journals here (filter column G for "OA" to view fully open access journals and for "HOA" to view hybrid journals).
  • If you publish in a subscription journal that offers open access, you must choose to order open access at the point of acceptance by using our order workflow
  • You must be the
    responsible corresponding authorThe responsible corresponding author is the author who manages the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process - from submission through publication. This author has the authority to act on behalf of all the co-authors and will also be the contact for inquiries after publication.
    and the main part of the research for your article was conducted at a publicly or privately funded German research institution entitled under DEAL. This institution is the primary affiliation for the article and must be stated on the published paper. Even if you are no longer affiliated with this institution at the time of acceptance, the article remains eligible as long as your affiliation is clearly stated in the published paper.
  • You should select the institution that is the primary affiliation during the submission process and the post acceptance workflow to ensure your article is identified as eligible under DEAL and is allocated to the correct institution.
  • All primary research and review articles qualify1
  • Wiley Open Access Accounts cannot be used to cover additional charges (e.g. cover, color, and page charges), which individual journals administer separately

Please note that as a requirement of the Wiley DEAL agreement, the statement ‘Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL' will be added automatically to the acknowledgment section of your paper. This information is for identification purposes only to help assign your article to the correct institution should you select the open access option, and it will not affect any information in the published article.


Please contact your university or library with questions.

1Eligible review articles look at primary research findings, describing trends and developments. Editorials, community news, book or media reviews etc., are excluded.