From 1 March 2024, authors affiliated with institutions that are participating in Wiley’s Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) agreement may publish open access in any hybrid journal (subscription-based journals which offer an open access option) with no transactional Article Publication Charges (APC).
You can be confident that by choosing open access your work has the best chance to be read, cited and shared. Author(s) also retain the copyright through CC license. Read more about the advantages of publishing open access here.
How to publish in a hybrid open access journal (English) | |
How to publish in a hybrid open access journal (Korean) |
1Eligibility is subject to when the institution has formalized their participation in the agreement. If you are no longer affiliated with an eligible KERIS member institution at the point of acceptance of your paper in a hybrid (subscription) journal, you do not qualify.
2Follow this link to view our list of article types and their corresponding eligibility for open access publishing.
3If you don't order open access initially, your manuscript will be published under the traditional closed access model. You may order open access retroactively, but once your paper is published in Early View or In Issue online you are no longer eligible to publish open access at no charge.