The benefits of publishing gold open access
By removing access barriers to published research, open access makes research findings available to everyone – driving forward the pace and strength of global innovation and invention.
As an author, you can be confident that by choosing open access your work has the best chance to be read, cited, and shared.
Publishing gold open access:
- Complies with funder or institution mandates
- Allows you to retain copyright through a Creative Commons BY license
- Enables automatic deposit in PubMed Central (when appropriate)*
Across our portfolio, open access articles typically perform better than articles requiring a subscription to read them:
3.4x Views On average, open access articles were viewed more than three times compared to subscription articles
1.4x Citations On average, open access articles were cited +40% compared to subscription articles
4x Altmetric Score On average, open access articles generated four times as much Altmetric attention compared to subscription articles