An article publication charge (APC) is a fee charged to authors to make their work available as open access (OA). This fee may be paid by the author, the author’s institution, or their research funder. Our open access journals charge an APC to cover the costs involved in the publication process, from administrating peer-review to copy editing and hosting the final article on dedicated servers. APCs vary by journal. To see a full list of APC prices for our fully open access journals and subscription journals which offer open access, please see below:
View the price list for our fully open access journal portfolio:
Open Access Journal Price ListView the price list for hybrid open access, a gold OA option in subscription journals:
Hybrid OA Price ListNeed help paying an APC? View our Article Publication Charge Payment PDF guide.
Need help with Hybrid OA? Visit our How to make your article open access page for step-by-step instructions.
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