Each journal has a set of individual author guidelines which provide advice on how to prepare your paper for submission. We also provide here further detail on specific topics which may be valuable as you prepare your submission.
Please prepare your submission according to the specifications set out in the Author Guidelines of your chosen journal.
If you have supporting information for your manuscript, Wiley will host an approved version with the article online. Our Supporting Information FAQs provide general advice on choosing acceptable materials for supporting information. You should always consult the relevant journal's author guidelines to see whether supporting information is accepted.
Our guidelines help you prepare figures, illustrations, and other electronic artwork for publication – so you can achieve the highest possible quality of reproduction in both the online and print versions of your article.
Read our Guidelines for the Preparation of Figures here.
To submit rich media to be embedded in your article, review Embedded Rich Media (ERM) submission guidelines.
Wiley has developed Inclusive Language Guidelines for US-based authors and partnered with a key vendor to offer a sensitivity read of manuscript samples. Please contact your editor for more information on these resources.