Understanding copyright and licensing

We use standard Author Agreements, all of which are outlined and linked below. For society-owned journals, the societies for whom we publish decide which versions of the forms they require.

In most cases, electronic signing is available; in others, authorized representatives of the Copyright Owners are required to sign or additional information is needed, which requires PDF download and upload. Please do not use any of the agreements listed as an “Example” below because you will be presented with the applicable license after your article is accepted for publication.

When signing the agreement, as reflected in the template, you confirm that:

  • You have informed your co-authors of the terms of the agreement and have their permission in writing to enter it on their behalf. We offer a template letter, if needed, in which the co-author can acknowledge that they agree to the terms of the agreement you are executing.
  • You and each co-author have the full authority to enter into the agreement.
  • Neither you nor any co-author has granted exclusive rights to, or transferred their copyright in, any version of the Contribution to any third party.
  • The contribution is your and all co-author's original work.
  • All individuals who contributed are listed and all authors listed have contributed to the article.
  • The contribution is submitted only to the specified journal and has not been published before.
  • You have obtained written permission from the copyright owners to reproduce any material owned by third parties, and that you have included appropriate acknowledgement within the text of your contribution.
  • The contribution contains no libelous or unlawful statements, does not infringe upon the rights or the privacy of others, and does not contain any material or instructions that might cause harm or injury.
  • There are no conflicts of interest relating to the article or if there are conflicts, they have been disclosed.
  • Neither you or any of the co-authors appears on a sanctions list or is in violation of any government and/or international sanctions.

Licenses for Subscription Articles

If you are not publishing your contribution open access, you are required to provide Wiley with either a signed Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) or an Exclusive License Agreement (ELA) before publication of your contribution can be processed.

Please note that we update standard forms periodically in line with policies and applicable legal developments, and only the most current forms linked here will be used.

The Author or, if applicable, the Author's Employer, retains all proprietary rights other than copyright (or in the case of an ELA, other than exclusive license of copyright), such as patent rights, in any process, procedure or article of manufacture described in the contribution. Authors may re-use unmodified abstracts for any non-commercial purpose. For online use of the abstract, we encourage but do not require linking back to the final published contribution. Authors may use the articles in teaching duties and in other works such as theses. Authors may re-use figures, tables, data sets, artwork, and selected text up to 250 words from their contributions without seeking permission, provided the following conditions are met:

  • Full and accurate credit must be given to the contribution.
  • Modifications to the figures, tables and data must be noted. Otherwise, no changes may be made.
  • The reuse may not be made for direct commercial purposes, or for financial consideration to the Author.
  • Re-use rights shall not be interpreted to permit dual publication in violation of journal ethical practices. Additional re-use rights are set forth in the agreement.

Copyright Transfer Agreements (CTA) for Abstracts

The rules regarding abstracts are as follows:

Conference abstracts: We do not require a signed Agreement to publish abstracts of material submitted for poster sessions and presentations at conferences or meetings. The right to publish such material is presumed.

Abstracts specifically created for abstract publications: If you have written an abstract of a previously published article for publication in another journal (e.g. a reviews-type journal), we do require you to sign an Agreement.

Reproduction of existing abstracts: If you wish to include verbatim abstracts from previously published articles, you do not need written permission from the publisher of those articles, although the source should be cited. Abstracts are covered by copyright and are not in the public domain but there is an exception in UK law which permits the copying and publication of scientific and technical abstracts accompanying published periodical articles.

Copyright Transfer Agreements (CTA) for Translations

Example: You have published an article in Spanish. You have translated the article yourself or by employing a translator and want to submit the English translation to a Wiley journal for re-publication. In order to make the translation, you must first approach the Spanish journal for permission to translate the article for republication. The translation itself would then be held under separate copyright by you or the translator. You would then be able to sign the English journal’s Copyright Transfer Agreement for the translation, rather than the original article. The translation must include a full bibliographic reference to the original publication, and you must have obtained permission from the original copyright holder to make the translation.

Creative Commons Licenses for Open Access Articles

All our fully open access journals and most* of our subscription journals with the open access option publish open access articles under a Creative Commons license. With Creative Commons licenses, the Author or, if applicable, the Author's Employer retains copyright, and the public is allowed to reuse the content in accordance with the Creative Commons license. The copyright owner grants Wiley a license to publish the article and to identify as the original publisher.

Choosing your Creative Commons License

Most* journals in our open access program offer one or more of three license types: CC BY, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-ND. All Creative Commons license types offered by Wiley require the copyright owner (usually the Authors) to be attributed for their work. The license selected by the Author may include rights granted to Wiley in addition to the standard rights granted users under a Creative Commons license, as reflected in the examples linked below.

CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution License
Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, and adapt the article as long as the author is attributed. The CC BY license permits commercial and non-commercial reuse.
CC BY Example

CC BY-NC - Creative Commons Attribution:Non-Commercial License
Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, and adapt the article as long as the author is attributed and the article is not used for commercial purposes.
CC BY-NC Example

CC BY-NC-ND - Creative Commons Attribution:Non-Commercial/No-Derivatives License
Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article as long as the author is attributed, the article is not used for commercial purposes, and the work is not modified or adapted in any way.
CC BY-NC-ND Example

Navigating Creative Commons licenses

Still confused which license to choose for your open access article? Read our guide here.

*A limited number of society-owned journals have opted out of this license policy - for more information see our Open Access Without a Creative Commons License page. Wiley will continue to brief societies on any discussions held regarding funder agreements and the processing of the articles, appropriate acknowledgements with citation and linking to the final published version on the publisher's site, and clear licensing terms and conditions for the use of material protected by copyright.

Copyright Ownership

License Signing Guide

Need help with license signing? Our PDF guide walks you through it.

You must sign the agreement and indicate whether you own the copyright in your work, the copyright is owned by your employer, or you are a government employee. If your co-authors have different copyright ownership categories, please see Multiple Ownership. It is essential to check that each agreement has been completed, signed, and dated correctly before your contribution can be published.

Author Owned Copyright

In most academic and healthcare institutions, faculty own the copyright for articles that they have authored and can sign a standard agreement under “Author-owned work.” Please check whether different policies apply in your institution.

Government Employees

Work carried out by government employees or military personnel may require a statement to the effect that the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the military or government agency for which they work. Please ensure that you check with the appropriate authorities and include the necessary statement within the body of your contribution.

Australian Government and Reserve Bank of Australia
Download the Australian Government License Agreement or the Reserve Bank of Australia License Agreement if your article is subscription-only, or sign the standard open access agreement under “Other ownership.”

Canadian Government
Download the Canadian Government License Agreement if your article is subscription-only, or sign the standard open access agreement under “Other ownership.”

U.K. Government
The rights in a contribution prepared by an employee of a UK government department, agency or other Crown body as part of his/her official duties, or which is an official government publication, belong to the Crown. An authorized signatory for the government must therefore sign and can use the standard agreement, signing under “U.K. Government work (Crown Copyright).” Authors must ensure they comply with departmental regulations and have the appropriate authorization to publish.

U.S. Government
A contribution prepared by a U.S. federal government employee as part of the employee's official duties, or which is an official U.S. government publication, is called a "U.S. Government work" and is in the public domain in the United States. This does not mean that the article is automatically open access; rather, it means there is no copyright to transfer under U.S. law, though there may be copyright (or other related rights) transferred under the law of other jurisdictions. Therefore, you should sign the standard agreement under “U.S. Government work.” If the contribution was not prepared as part of the employee's duties, is not an official U.S. government publication, or at least one author is not a U.S. government employee, it is not a U.S. Government work. In the case of a contribution prepared under U.S. government contract or grant, the U.S. government may reproduce, without charge, all or portions of the contribution and may authorize others to do so, for official U.S. government purposes only, if the U.S. government contract or grant so requires. If you are employed by an agency that requires a non-standard agreement, please follow the specific instructions below and submit it per the journal's licensing workflow (usually through your Author Services dashboard):

  • NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration): Download the NASA Subscription Author Statement if your article is subscription-only, or the NASA OA Author Statement if your article is open access
  • NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL; operated by the California Institute of Technology): Download the NASA JPL Publication License if your article is subscription-only, or use the NASA OA Author Statement above
  • National Laboratories managed by Battelle Memorial Institute: See Employer Owned Copyright below
  • NIH (National Institutes of Health): Obtain the NIH Publishing Agreement & Manuscript Cover Sheet from the NIH licensing page and submit the signed cover sheet along with a blank copy of the agreement presented to you
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology): Your agency requires you to obtain a cover sheet from them and complete it, including required agency text in paragraph 6. Submit the signed cover sheet along with a blank copy of the agreement presented to you
  • USDA (United States Department of Agriculture): Download the USDA Certification Form and submit the signed form along with a blank copy of the agreement presented to you
  • US DoT (United States Department of Transportation): Your agency requires you to obtain a cover sheet from them and complete it. Submit the signed cover sheet along with a blank copy of the agreement presented to you
  • USGS (United States Geological Survey): Download the USGS License Agreement if your article is subscription-only, or use the standard open access agreement


Employees of all other governments can sign a standard agreement under “Other ownership.” If you need further assistance, please contact cs-author@wiley.com.

Employer Owned Copyright

Where work is carried out by an author in their capacity as an employee of a company, copyright will be owned by the company. An authorized signatory of the company must therefore sign the agreement under “Company/institution-owned work.” If you are employed by one of the companies below, please follow the specific instructions:

  • Amgen: Download the Amgen Addendum (no signature required) and return your signed agreement along with the addendum
  • National Laboratories managed by Battelle Memorial Institute: Sign the standard agreement under “Company/institution-owned work” and have an authorized representative from Battelle sign also.

Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO) or Non-government Organizations (NGO) Employees

Most Authors can sign a standard agreement under “Other ownership.” If you are employed by an organization that requires a non-standard agreement, please follow the specific instructions below and submit it per the journal's licensing workflow (usually through your Author Services dashboard). If you need further assistance, please contact cs-author@wiley.com.

  • Asian Development Bank (ADB): Download the ADB License Agreement if your article is subscription-only, or use the standard open access agreement
  • Bank for International Settlements (BIS): Download the BIS License Agreement if your article is subscription-only, or use the standard open access agreement
  • European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom): Download the EAEC Publication License if your article is subscription-only, or use the standard open access agreement
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF): Download the IMF Publication License if your article is subscription-only, or use the standard open access agreement
  • Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Download the OECD Publication License if your article is subscription-only, or use the standard open access agreement
  • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO): If your article is subscription-only, obtain a cover sheet from your agency and submit the signed cover sheet along with a blank copy of the agreement presented to you. If your article is open access, download the PAHO OA Agreement
  • Smithsonian Institution: Download the Smithsonian Addendum to Publishing Agreements (no signature required) and return your signed agreement along with the addendum
  • World Bank: Download the World Bank License Agreement if your article is subscription-only, or use the World Bank OA Agreement if your article is open access
  • World Health Organization (WHO): Download the WHO Publication License if your article is subscription-only, or the WHO OA Agreement if your article is open access
  • WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): Download the IARC Publication License if your article is subscription-only, or use the WHO OA agreement above

Multiple Ownership

For contributions where there are multiple copyright owners, one author or authorized representative can sign on behalf of co-authors in the same category. The Responsible Corresponding Author needs to download the appropriate forms in coordination with their co-authors and submit them per the journal’s licensing workflow (usually through their Author Services dashboard). For articles with authors employed by multiple government agencies, companies, or organizations, one signature is needed per agency/company/organization – uploading a separate file for each group is acceptable. For example, where there is a government-employed author and a non-government employed author, each author must sign the appropriate agreement/section.