Read our comprehensive glossary below for key publishing definitions and acronyms that authors may encounter throughout their research publishing journey.
Term | Acronym | What does it Mean? | Learn More |
Accepted Article | AA | The article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between that version of the article and the Version of Record. | |
Article Publication Charge | APC | APCs are fees charged to authors to make an article open access in either an open access journal or hybrid journal. This fee may be paid by the author, or covered by the author's institution or funder. | Wiley APCs |
Article Level Metrics | Article-level metrics provide valuable insights specific to the impact of an author's individual work including media attention, reproducibility and re-use. Article-level metrics are designed to highlight the impact and educational value of research outputs within the scientific community but also to the wider community. | Journal and Article Metrics | |
Author Accepted Manuscript | AAM | The final author-created version of the manuscript, which includes any changes made after peer-review and has been accepted for publication by the journal, but before the publisher's final copyediting, typesetting, and formatting. | |
Author Guidelines | Also called 'Manuscript Preparation Guidelines' each journal has a set of individual author guidelines which provide advice on how to prepare a paper for submission. | ||
Bibliometrics | Bibliometrics refers to quantitative methods of measuring influence or impact in research literature – in other words, publication and citation data analysis. | Journal and Article Metrics | |
Bronze OA | Articles that are made free to read by the publisher. No fee or charge is levied, but the publisher is not under any obligation to keep the article free to read, and articles are not formally licensed for reuse. | ||
CC BY | CC BY | Creative Commons Attribution License. Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, and adapt the article as long as the author is attributed. The CC-BY license permits commercial and non-commercial reuse. This is the most commonly used license type. | Understanding Wiley License Agreements |
CC BY-NC | CC BY-NC | Creative Commons Attribution: Non-Commercial License. Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article, and adapt the article as long as the author is attributed and the article is not used for commercial purposes. | Understanding Wiley License Agreements |
CC BY-NC-ND | CC BY-NC-ND | Creative Commons Attribution: Non-Commercial/No-Derivatives License. Allows users to copy, distribute and transmit an article as long as the author is attributed, the article is not used for commercial purposes, and the work is not modified or adapted in any way. | Understanding Wiley License Agreements |
Conflict of Interest | A conflict of interest in academic publishing refers to situations where an author, reviewer, or editor has competing interests that could influence their work. These interests might include financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationships with other organizations or individuals. When submitting a paper to a journal, full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest is required. | ||
Controlled Articles | Wider term for subscription journal articles that are behind the paywall, and those that have been made temporarily free to access by Wiley for promotional purposes (the latter are also known as Bronze OA) | ||
Copyright Transfer Agreement | CTA | The legal agreement with Wiley that authors of subscription access articles sign. | Understanding Wiley License Agreements |
Creative Commons | CC | Creative Commons is a non-profit organization and international network devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. Their licenses are used in open access publishing and provide varying levels of permission. | Creative Commons |
CRediT (Contribution Roles Taxonomy) | Journals mandating CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) will enable authors to provide information on submission, allowing for detailed information about individual contributions to the work. If not provided on submission, this information can be provided at subsequent revision stages, facilitated by the Editorial Office. | CRediT (Contribution Roles Taxonomy) | |
Declaration on Research Assessment | DORA | The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) aims to enhance the evaluation of scholarly research and researchers. DORA’s core principle advocates a holistic approach to research assessment, moving beyond journal-based metrics, with research quality instead being assessed on its intrinsic merits, independent of the publishing journal. | DORA |
Diamond OA | Diamond Open Access refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. Diamond Open Access journals are community-driven, academic-led, and academic-owned publishing initiatives. | Diamond Open Access | |
Digital Object Identifier | DOI | A DOI is a digital identifier of an object, any object — physical, digital, or abstract A DOI is issued to each article as it is published online on WOL. All publishers use DOIs. | What is a DOI? |
Directory of Open Access Journals | DOAJ | A community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. | DOAJ |
Early View | EV | Wiley publishes fully peer-reviewed, corrected articles ahead of issue publication, enabling readers to access information faster. This service is known as “Early View” and is offered by many Wiley journals. | What is Early View? |
Editor in Chief | EIC | Leader of the editorial team who determines the look, feel, and content of a publication. An Editor-in-Chief may also, at times, be referred to as Editor, Managing Editor, or Executive Editor. | |
Editor-Driven Referral | EDR | If an author's manuscript is not accepted by their first-choice journal, the journal's Editor can refer them to a journal they think would be more suitable. | |
Editorial Manager | EM | Workflow management system for handling manuscripts submitted by authors. | |
Electronic Editorial Office | EEO | Works with journal editors and authors, editorial systems, and coordinates the peer review process. It may be staffed by Wiley employees or managed by external teams. | |
Embargo | Publishers have different kinds of embargoes. Press embargoes mean publishers can release a paper to journalists a few days before publication to give them time to prepare stories on the research. They relate to the final published version of the work. Publication embargoes for open access journals are a restriction on the dissemination of an Author's Accepted Manuscript through a repository. These embargoes are often 12 months long. That is, the publication can be made available in the repository 12 months after publication. | ||
Etocs | ETOC | Electronic Tables of Contents, can be emailed out to subscribers when a new issue of a journal is published or when new content is added to the journal's website. | |
Free Format | When authors submit their manuscript, either directly or via a transfer, they don’t need to meet any journal specific formatting requirements. They can submit in the format of their choice, and Wiley will update the format into journal style once the manuscript is accepted for publication. | Free Format Submission | |
Full Text Views | FTV | The number of unique usage events taking place in the given year on Wiley Online Library, including all forms of full text access. Events relating to abstract views / access denied notifications are not included. Journal Full Text views are for the entire journal and are displayed as part of journal metrics, and Article Full Text views are the cumulative events since the article was published on WOL. | |
Funder | An organisation that provides money for conducting research, and/or for publishing research open access. | ||
Funder Mandate | Conditions on which funds are granted - in some cases, funders have specific requirements in terms of immediate open access publishing, licensing and copyright retention. | ||
General Data Protection Regulation | GDPR | European Union regulation on information privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area. GDPR is an important component of EU privacy and human rights law, and governs the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA. | |
Generative Artificial Intelligence | GenAI | A subset of artificial intelligence that uses large language models (LLMs) to generate new content (text, images, and more) based on a text input or a prompt. | |
Gold Journal | An academic journal which exclusively uses the Gold OA publishing option (see 'Gold OA'). | ||
Gold OA | Gold OA means that the final published version of the article (or Version of Record) is permanently and freely available online for anyone, anywhere to read. An article publishing charge (APC) is usually applicable when publishing through gold OA. | ||
Hybrid Journal | A hybrid open access journal is a subscription journal in which some of the articles are published open access (see 'Hybrid OA'). | ||
Hybrid OA | Most of Wiley's subscription-based journals offer a hybrid open access option, allowing authors to publish their article open access in a journal through paying an APC. Hybrid journals currently make up the majority of Wiley's portfolio (around 1400 titles). | Hybrid Open Access | |
International Standard Serial Number | ISSN | An eight-digit number used to uniquely identify a serial publication. Especially helpful in distinguishing between serials with the same title - there are different ISSNs for print and electronic versions of the same journal. | |
Journal Finder | Wiley tool designed to help authors find the right home for their research. | Journal Finder | |
Journal Impact Factor | JIF | The journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a scientometric index calculated by Clarivate that reflects the yearly mean number of citations of articles published in the last two years in a given journal, as indexed by Clarivate's Web of Science. This offers a quantitative metric for evaluating journals and assessing their relative influence. | |
Journal Metrics | Journal metrics are used to evaluate the collective impact of the journal’s total output. | Journal Metrics | |
Open Access | OA | Publishing model where research articles are made freely available, enabling anyone to read, use and re-use free of charge. | Open Access |
Open Access Agreements | Open access agreements are arrangements between publishers and institutions (such as universities, research organizations, or libraries) that facilitate free access to scholarly articles and research papers. At Wiley this includes transformational agreements (TAs) and publish-only agreements such as Wiley Open Access Accounts (WOAAs). | ||
Open Data | Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike. | ||
Open Research | OR | Term describing a vision that research should be open, transparent, verifiable and reproducible, and incorporates Open Access, Open Data and Open Practices. Also referred to as Open Science. | Open Research |
ORCID | An ORCID iD is a unique and persistent identifier that distinguishes each researcher and connects them to their research activities, so they always get credit for their work. Wiley highly recommends researchers register and supply their ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript and many journals require it. | ORCID | |
Peer Review | The peer review process is designed to assess the validity, quality and originality of articles for publication. Its ultimate purpose is to maintain the integrity of research and science by filtering out invalid or poor quality articles. | What is peer review? | |
Preprint | A preprint is a full and complete draft of a research manuscript that is uploaded and shared to a public repository (preprint server) before formal peer review. A preprint can be uploaded while a manuscript is 'under review' by peer reviewers. | ||
Referral | A referral is an offer from a journal's Editor to transfer a manuscript to another journal that may be more suitable. Referral offers are typically provided within the decision letter. | ||
Repository | Archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital versions of research and associated data (see 'Self-Archiving'). The most common of these are institutional repositories (for the output of a particular research institution) and subject repositories (which focus on a particular subject area). | ||
Research Exchange | Wiley's proprietary publishing platform infrastructure, encompassing mansucript submission, screening and peer review. | ||
Rights Retention Strategy | RRS | The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) enables authors to exercise the rights they have on their manuscripts to deposit a copy of the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) in a repository on publication and provide open access to it. N.B. Journals that follow Wiley's standard policy are not compatible with the Rights Retention Strategy. If an author chooses to publish their article with Wiley, they will be asked to sign a license agreeing to the terms for publishing with Wiley, including the self-archiving policy. | Rights Retention |
ScholarOne | S1 | Workflow management system for handling manuscripts, used by many Wiley journals. | |
Self-Archiving | The deposit of a research paper (and/or associated data) in an online repository to provide open access to it (see 'Repository'). Self-archiving is sometimes referred to as green open access. | Self-Archiving | |
Special Issue | SI | A Special Issue is a collection of articles that concentrates on a topical research area within the scope of a journal. Special Issues normally revolve around a trending topic, highlight important subdisciplines, or describe new cross-disciplinary applications. However, they can also cover a conference, scientific meeting or symposium, mark a moment in history like a journal anniversary or celebrate the impact of a prominent figure in a field. | Sepcial Issues |
Transformational Agreement | TA | A transformational agreement is when a consortium or institution enters into a partnership with a publisher to enable a large-scale transition towards open access. It allows researchers at participating institutions unlimited read access to a portfolio of journals, plus funding to cover Article Publication Charges (APCs) when choosing to publish open access (OA). | Institutional Funder Payments |
Version of Record | VoR | Fully copyedited, typeset and formatted copy of a manuscript as published. | |
Waiver | Term used when the APC (see 'APC') for an article is waived. Examples of this could be an author residing in a low income country, or an author who has been comissioned to publish. | Waivers and Discounts | |
Wiley Author Services | WAS | Dedicated Wiley site with resources designed to assist authors with all stages of the article submission and publication process. It is also where authors will undergo actions such as license signing and APC payments. | Wiley Author Services |
Wiley Author Licensing Services | WALS | The system that most of our journals use for authors to sign a copyright transfer agreement (CTA) for their article to be subscription access, or a Creative Commons licence (CC-BY) for their article to be open access. | |
Wiley Online Library | WOL | Online platform hosting journals and books content published by Wiley. | Wiley Online Library |
Wiley Open Access Accounts | WOAA | An account for research institutions or funders to pay/pre-pay APCs for open access articles published by their researchers in Wiley-published journals. | Wiley Open Access Accounts |
Wiley Open Access Dashboard | WOAD | A tool for research institutions or funders to track and manage their APC funds and/or payments to Wiley. | Wiley Open Access Dashboard |
Wiley Editing Services | WES | Fee-based article preparation services (English language or scientific editing, manuscript formatting, translation) and promotional services (professional video creation, cover image design, infographic creation) for authors. | Wiley Editing Services |
Wiley Network | Wiley website with product resources, news and updates from education, academic, and professional research spaces, tips and support materials for researchers, librarians, educators, students, and professionals, and more. | The Wiley Network | |
Wiley Transfer Desk Assistant | TDA | A Wiley service that uses machine-learning to analyze a rejected manuscript and identify up to 8 suitable Wiley journals that may be good matches. Authors receive the recommendations and an offer to transfer within one day of receiving the initial decision letter. | Refer and Transfer |
Zero Embargo Green | When the Author Accepted Manuscript or Version of Record (see 'Author Accepted Manuscript'; 'Version of Record') is made available immediately upon publication via a repository, with no embargo period (see 'Repository'; 'Embargo'). Wiley does not support zero embargo green and authors must comply with our self-archiving policy (see 'Self-Archiving'; 'Embargo'). |