Authoring tools

When planning your next paper, streamline and simplify your writing process by using an online or collaborative authoring tool. Whether you need a solution for importing reference libraries, real-time collaboration with co-authors, or importing and exporting in different formats and markup language, authoring tools help manage the writing process so you can focus on creating impactful content.

Choosing an authoring tool to suit your needs

Wiley recommends the authoring tools below.

Use the chart to determine which tool may be a good fit for your needs and follow the links below to get started.

Manuscripts Authorea Manuscripts Mac App
Platform type Online Online Offline Mac app
Collaborative writing Yes, real-time collaboration with unlimited collaborators Yes, real-time collaboration with unlimited collaborators Not currently supported
LaTeX support Yes Yes Yes
Citation management Easily search citations in Crossref and Pubmed, or import using Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley and Bibtex Easily search citations in Crossref and Pubmed, or import using Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley and Bibtex Import from reference libraries or direct citations
Visualization support Yes, include code and execute figures live in your document Yes, Jupyter notebooks and d3.js visualizations Not currently supported
Journal templates Over 1,300 available templates Over 8,000 available templates Over 1,000 available templates
Cost Free to use Free to use, with premium paid plans available Free to use, unlimited usage
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